Under the Roads (Scotland) Act 1984, permission requires to be obtained from the local Roads Authority before a footway crossing can be installed. A footway crossing is formed by lowering the kerbs to allow residents to drive a vehicle across the footway to gain access between their property and the public road. When you make an application for a footway crossing* in Glasgow we will carry out an assessment on site to ensure that the proposed location is suitable in both road safety and construction terms**. Once approved, you can arrange for a private civil engineering contractor subject to approval by the council.

To apply for permission, please complete the footway crossing request form. An acknowledgement will be sent to you.

*Note that Planning Permission may be required for the installation of a driveway within your property and any such issues should be resolved before application is made to Glasgow City Council for a footway crossing. Contact Planning for advice or view our policy in the City Plan.

**In some instances, the camber or cross fall of the carriageway and/or the footway is such that the location is deemed to be unsuitable for the installation of a footway crossing.

What does it cost?
Costs can be found on our Book of charges. Note: A 10% Administration costs surcharge may be added to accounts charged to outside bodies/persons/agencies. This surcharge is 10% of the total cost pre VAT (if VAT is applicable).

Request Formrequired fields*
Your Details
Your Address
Your Address (Glasgow city council boundary search only)
Footway Crossing Address (if different from above)
Footway Crossing Address if different from above (Glasgow city council boundary search only)