Complaints Form
Complaint Details
Complainant Details
Please tell us about your complaint.
What happened? Were any members of staff involved?
details of complaint is required
When did this happen?
(must be in the past)
Please enter a valid date.
Please enter a valid date.
when did this happened is required
Is your Complaint about a specific place?
(e.g. a school, museum, park, street, etc.)
Please tell us what you would like to happen to resolve your complaint.
Select from the list below the service your complaint is about
service area is required
Please select...
I'm not sure
Planning, Building Control
Education Services
Council Tax, Housing Benefit, Electoral Register
Sport Centre, Swimming Pool, Museums, Libraries, Arts venue
Road, Parks / Open Spaces, Cemeteries / Crematorium, Bin Collections
Registrars, Licensing
NDR, Pensions, Assessors or Claims
Denotes required field
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