North East Area Partnership Agenda - 23 August 2013, 10:00 Help

A meeting to be held at City Chambers, Glasgow at 10:00 on 23 August 2013.

Number Item
3958Minutes of meeting of 10 June 2013. View Papers
2Membership of Area Partnership - Community and Third Sector Representation update - Report by Executive Director of Corporate Services View Papers
3Safe Glasgow
(a)Safe Glasgow update - Report by Executive Director of Corporate Services View Papers
(b)Police Scotland - New National Arrangements and Local Ward Plans update - Report by Chief Inspector, Police Scotland (to follow) View Papers
4Area Partnership Members Development
(a)Area Partnership Members Personal Profiles - Proforma for completion by all members View Papers
(b)Third Sector Activity in North East Area - Verbal report by FARE, Third Sector Representative. View Papers
5Workplan - Area Profile update - Report by Executive Director of Corporate Services  View Papers
6Formal Consultation - Milton and Ashcraig Schools - Report by Executive Director of Education Services  View Papers
7Area Partnership Budget 2013/14 - Applications for Funding - Report by Executive Director of Corporate Services. View Papers