Glasgow City Council Agenda - 27 June 2024, 11:00 Help

A meeting to be held at City Chambers, Glasgow at 11:00 on 27 June 2024.

Number Item
1Minutes of Council meeting of 16th May 2024 (Print 2, pages 1 to 30). View Papers
2Committees' minutes - Submitted for information and approval as a correct record only (page 31 onwards).  View Papers
3Council and Committee Standing Orders - Report by Councillor Greg Hepburn, Business Manager and City Convener for Open Government. View Papers
4Scheme of Delegated Functions - Report by Director of Legal and Administration View Papers
5Changes to committees etc. View Papers
6Representation on outside bodies. View Papers
8Questions. View Papers
9Notice of motions.
(a)Motion by Councillor Chris Cunningham:-

"Glasgow City Council celebrates the achievement of the Glasgow Warriors who won the United Rugby Championship title at the weekend for the first time since 2015. The Warriors beat the Bulls 21-16 away from home in Pretoria after coming back from a 13-0 deficit after 40 minutes.

Council recognises the achievements of the team who also beat the 2022 Champions the Stormers in the Quarter Finals and 2023 Champions Munster in the semi-finals. Council pays tribute to all the players and staff at the Warriors for their hard work which has resulted in the trophy coming back to Glasgow for the first time in almost a decade.

Council considers this to be one of the greatest achievements not only in Glasgow Warriors history, but also in the history of Scottish Rugby. Council agrees to ask the Lord Provost to host a Civic Reception to celebrate this historic achievement.

Council acknowledges and extends its heartfelt gratitude to the Glasgow Warriors for their continuous and invaluable contributions to the local community. The team's dedication to various outreach programmes, youth development initiatives and charitable activities has had a significant impact on the lives of many Glaswegians. Their commitment to fostering a sense of community, promoting healthy lifestyles, and inspiring the next generation of rugby players cannot be underestimated.

Council commends Glasgow Warriors for their efforts both on and off the field and look forward to their continued success and continued involvement in inspiring the community." View Papers
(b)Motion by Councillor Susan Aitken:-

"Council welcomes the renewed commitment of Scotland's new First Minister to eradicate child poverty and commits to continuing to prioritise work to achieve the same outcome in Glasgow, noting that all partners in the Glasgow Community Planning Partnership have agreed to unite activity around the single shared priority of "Family Poverty: Reducing Poverty and Inequalities in Glasgow's Communities".

Council acknowledges however that the eradication of child poverty is not a commitment that can be achieved by the Scottish Government or by Glasgow City Council alone, and notes that the choices of governments of all levels are material to our child poverty outcomes.

Council notes that during a cost of living and inflation crisis, children and families are often the most vulnerable: a fact that makes Glasgow - a city with a younger and poorer population than the national average - especially at risk from the issues that arise from the experience of child poverty.

Council regrets the historical legacy, and political and economic choices that have resulted in 45.4% of Glasgow's neighbourhoods being in the most deprived quintile of Scottish localities, with 51% of our children living in these areas. Council further notes that these local poverty rates impact on the budgets of Glasgow City Council, passing the cost on to taxpayers in the city. Council is encouraged by Glasgow's comparatively strong performance on child poverty reduction in comparison to cities like Manchester, Birmingham or London, and attributes this progress to Scottish Government interventions such as the Scottish Child Payment and Whole Family Wellbeing Fund, as well as child poverty alleviation mechanisms funded and delivered by Glasgow City Council and our partners, such as: the Holiday Programme; Child Poverty Pathfinder; Glasgow Helps; Healthier, Wealthier Children; and Supporting Families Projects.

Council is deeply concerned however that, despite the significant investments made by the Scottish Government and Glasgow City Council, it remains the case that around one third of children in wards such as Calton and Southside Central are living in poverty. Council believes that this is a consequence of exclusionary social and fiscal policies pursued by UK governments and notes, for example, the 'very strong' correlation between the percentage of families affected by the two-child cap and local child poverty rates across these islands, as per research from Loughborough University's Centre for Research in Social Policy.

Council believes that it is entirely unnecessary for child poverty to exist in a modern advanced industrial economy such as the UK and that, regardless of who is in power, the UK government has the power to eradicate child poverty within a parliamentary term by prioritising the policy and spending choices that will achieve this outcome.

Council therefore asks the Council Leader to write to the new Prime Minister, setting out the child poverty challenges that remain in Glasgow; seeking the immediate removal of the two-child cap as well as policies currently mitigated by the Scottish Government such as the benefit cap and bedroom tax; inviting them to examine and replicate the success of the Scottish Child Payment as a model for funding child poverty alleviation; and seeking their acknowledgement that adequate funding for local services for families experiencing poverty such as those delivered in Glasgow as just as vital for delivering transformation as Scottish and UK-wide interventions." View Papers
(c)Motion by Councillor Kevin Lalley:-

"The Council recently celebrated the 40th anniversary of Volunteer Week from the 3rd to the 9th of June 2024. This event, established in 1984, highlights the invaluable contributions of the city's volunteers. It serves as an opportunity for us to reflect on and appreciate the tireless efforts and dedication of volunteers across our city who contribute significantly to our community's needs.

Council recognises the important role that volunteers, and third-sector organisations play in our city. These groups and individuals are the backbone of our communities, delivering essential services, fostering community spirit, and supporting some of the most vulnerable people in the city.

Council notes that in 2022/23, roughly 1,600 people in Glasgow volunteered in some capacity across the city, providing more than 30,000 hours of voluntary service. This work spans a wide range of essential services, delivering much-needed resources.

In this period of economic and social uncertainty, this work has become even more crucial. Council recognises the important role that volunteers, and third-sector organisations play in our city. Their efforts are essential in addressing the gaps and needs within our communities. As a council, we are committed to recognising, supporting, and celebrating the efforts of these volunteers who play a vital part in maintaining the well-being and support structures of our city.

Therefore, council resolves to publicly acknowledge and celebrate the contributions of all volunteers and third-sector organisations in our city. Council acknowledges and supports the ongoing work currently being done by the council in this regard. However, to further this commitment, council proposes to establish an annual Volunteer Appreciation Lunch to complement and run alongside the already established Volunteer Week. This event will further enhance Volunteer Week and serve as a formal gesture of our gratitude to the city's volunteers for their hard work and dedication to the residents of our city.

In addition, Council notes that from the 24th of June until the 7th of July it is Co-op Fortnight 2024 and that it gives us an opportunity to both recognise and celebrate the important role that volunteers play in the success of co-operatives across the city.

Acknowledges that co-operatives across Glasgow often rely on their members to take up volunteering roles and that this can be an incredibly rewarding experience which allows people to learn new skills, meet new people and give all involved an equal and meaningful say.

Believes that Co-op Fortnight gives us as a Council the opportunity to renew our support for co-operatives in our city and backs calls from Co-operatives UK to commit to co-operative growth.

Notes that Glasgow City Council has been a proud member of the Co-operative Councils' Innovation Network and hopes that through the network, it continues to learn from best practice across the UK and world to make Glasgow a more progressive and co-operative city.

As a council, we would like to thank all volunteers for their invaluable service." View Papers
(d)Motion by Councillor Blair Anderson:-

"Council notes that the Visitor Levy (Scotland) Bill was passed in the Scottish Parliament on 28th May 2024, granting a local authority the power to impose a levy to be charged on the purchase of overnight accommodation.

Following the passage of the Bill, Council formally agrees - subject to the relevant guidance, process, consultation, revision, approval, timescales and related matters - to begin the process set out in s12(1)(a) of the Bill, with the speedy preparation and publication of:
(i) an outline of the proposed scheme ("the proposal")
(ia) a statement about the cases and circumstances under the proposal in which the levy (or a sum equivalent to the levy) is not payable or may be reimbursed
(ii) a statement about the objectives of the proposal, including how the authority intends to measure and report on the achievement of those objectives, and
(iii) an assessment of the impacts of the proposal in the authority's area

Recalling the decision taken on February 15th on the formation of a Service Redesign & Future Income Generation Political Oversight Group and related officer groups, in developing a proposed scheme to be taken forward to committee for approval to go out to consultation, consideration should be given by the political oversight group to the list of matters detailed in s13 of the Bill and other relevant provisions."  View Papers