Safe Glasgow Partnership Agenda - 13 June 2024, 10:00 Help

A meeting to be held at To be confirmed at 10:00 on 13 June 2024.

Number Item
1Minutes of previous meeting of 14th March 2024. View Papers
2GCPP Governance Framework - Membership update - Report by Director of Legal and Administration. View Papers
3COSLA Scrutiny Convenors Forum - Verbal update by Bailie McCabe. View Papers
4Scottish Fire and Rescue Service - Shaping Our Future Service - Presentation by Scottish Fire and Rescue Service. View Papers
5Scottish Fire and Rescue Service - 2023/24 Quarter 4 performance update - Report by Scottish Fire and Rescue Service. View Papers
6Police Scotland - 2023-26 Quarter 4 performance update - Report by Police Scotland.  View Papers
7Go Safe Glasgow - Presentation by Executive Director of Neighbourhoods, Regeneration and Sustainability. View Papers
8Hate Crime Working Group - Report and Presentation by Executive Director of Neighbourhoods, Regeneration and Sustainability. View Papers
9One Glasgow Project Safe Group Service Overview - Report and Presentation by Police Scotland. View Papers
10Dates of future meetings:-

29th August 2024 at 1000 hours in a Committee Room, City Chambers; and
28th November 2024 at 1000 hours by video conference. View Papers