Finance and Audit Scrutiny Committee Agenda - 22 May 2024, 13:30 Help

A meeting to be held at by hydrid at 13:30 on 22 May 2024.

Number Item
1Responses from 24th April 2024 meeting.  View Papers
Work programme. 
2Early Retirement/Voluntary Redundancy - Joint Report by Executive Director of Finance and Head of Human Resources. View Papers
3Local Government Benchmarking Framework 2022/23 - Report by Chief Executive. View Papers
4Best Value Thematic Report - Report by Executive Director of Finance. View Papers
5Internal Audit Reports - Reports by Head of Audit Inspection:-  View Papers
(a)Corporate Review - Capital Project Governance and Management;  View Papers
(b)Education Services and Financial Services - ParentPay; View Papers
(c)Financial Services - Corporate Treasury Management; View Papers
(d)Financial Services - NDR Legislation Changes 2023/24; and View Papers
(e)Neighbourhoods, Regeneration and Sustainability - Private Rented Sector. View Papers
6Internal Audit - Follow up - Report by Head of Audit and Inspection.  View Papers