Finance and Audit Scrutiny Committee Agenda - 06 May 2009, 13:30 Help

A meeting to be held at at 13:30 on 06 May 2009.

Number Item
1379Committee Terms of Reference - Report by Chief Executive. View Papers
2Guidelines for Policy Development and Scrutiny Committees - Report by Chief Executive. View Papers
3Development of Work Programme - Joint report by Chief Executive and Executive Director of Financial Services. View Papers
4Proposed performance monitoring reports - Joint report by Chief Executive and Director of Financial Services. View Papers
5Service Plans 2009/10 - Reports by
(a)Chief Executive Department; and View Papers
(b)Financial Services. View Papers
6Riverside Museum - Report by Solicitor to the Council. View Papers
7Electoral Registration - Report by City Assessor and Electoral Registration Officer. View Papers
8Internal Audit - Audit Plan 2009/10 - Report by Head of Audit and Inspection. View Papers
9Internal Audit - Annual Report and Assurance Statement 2008/09 - Report by Head of Audit and Inspection. View Papers
10Internal Audit Report - Report by Head of Audit and Inspection. View Papers
11Overview of the Local Authority Audits - Report by Audit Scotland. View Papers
12Strategic Audit Risk Analysis 2008/09 - Report by Audit Scotland. View Papers
13Local Government (Compensation for Premature Retirement (Scotland) Regulations -Redundancy/Retirement - Joint report by Chief Executive and Executive Director of Financial Services. View Papers
14Staffing Watch Return as at 14th March 2009 - Report by Chief Executive. View Papers
15Financial monitoring statements - Period 12 - 1st April 2008 to 13th February 2009. View Papers