Wellbeing, Empowerment, Community and Citizen Engagement City Policy Committee Agenda - 30 January 2020, 10:00 Help

A meeting to be held at City Chambers,, Glasgow at 10:00 on 30 January 2020.

Number Item
1Transformational Change Programme - Sexual Health Services Implementation Plan - Report by Interim Chief Officer, Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership (Strategic Plan Priority Number 38). View Papers
2Glasgow Children's Holiday Food Programme - Update - Report by Director of Community Empowerment and Equalities (Strategic Plan Priority Number 27). View Papers
3Homelessness Transformational Change Agenda - Glasgow Alliance to End Homelessness - Report by Interim Chief Officer, Glasgow City Health and Social Partnership (Strategic Prioirty Numbers 5 and 46). View Papers
Additional item. 
4Men's Mental Health Working Group - Report by Councillor Gow, Convener, Male Mental Health Working Group. View Papers