Glasgow City Council Agenda - 22 June 2023, 11:00 Help

A meeting to be held at City Chambers, Glasgow at 11:00 on 22 June 2023.

Number Item
1Minutes of Council meeting of 11th May 2023 (Print 2, pages 1 to 22). View Papers
2Committees' minutes - Submitted for information and approval as a correct
record only (page 23 onwards).  View Papers
3Changes to committees etc. View Papers
4Representation on outside bodies. View Papers
(a)Glasgow Life Board - Appoint Ms Lynn Bradley and Mr Shahid Hanif;
(b)Hub West Board - Appoint Mr Graham Smith, Chief Executive's Department; and
(c)Jobs and Business Glasgow Limited Board - Appoint Mr David McClelland as Independent Trustee.
6Questions. View Papers
7Notice of motions.
(a)Motion by Councillor Christina Cannon:-

"Council celebrates the fact that in 2021 Scotland was the first country in the world to agree to embed lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) inclusive education across the school curriculum and notes that there is a national expectation that Local Authorities ensure that all schools are delivering an LGBT inclusive education for their learners. Council agrees that LGBT inclusive education contributes to how all young people see themselves, their families, and the world around them; and further agrees that this learning should be meaningful, relevant, and part of ordinary learning, rather than exceptional or siphoned into particular calendar months or one-off occasions.

Council notes that the charity Time for Inclusive Education (TIE) provides services and resources that are co-developed with teachers from across Scotland and suitable for primary and secondary pupils that include stage appropriate educational workshops for pupils, professional learning for teachers, and curriculum materials. This is in addition to their responsibility for managing the new national platform on behalf of the Scottish Government and endorsed by a variety of stakeholders including those in the education sector. Council also understands that schools that have utilised this platform and completed Stages 1 and 2 of the CPD pathway provided by TIE have reported significant and notable success in increasing the confidence of teachers to deliver LGBT inclusive education; and schools who have engaged with TIE's learner sessions have reported that pupils within their school community have a greater understanding of diversity, the impact of prejudice, and anti-bullying. Council notes that these resources and training are entirely free and come at no monetary cost to schools thanks to core funding support from Scottish Government.

Council reaffirms its commitment to provide support in schools for LGBT+ young people; and notes the progress made so far to date to nurture a supporting environment in educational settings and celebrate LGBT+ school pupils. Council further reaffirms its commitment to embedding a proactive educational approach to addressing stereotypes and stigma which can often lead to prejudice or bullying experienced by pupils who are LGBT+, perceived to be LGBT+ or who have LGBT+ family members; and continue to celebrate diversity and strengthen Inclusive Education across our schools through innovative events and programmes such as ALLIES 23 - Action and Learning for LGBT Inclusive Education in schools.

Council agrees to set a 100% completion rate target of the Scottish Government's Stage 1 and Stage 2 national professional learning for Glasgow's primary and secondary teachers; and asks Education Services to include monitoring progress on this in the equalities reports submitted to the Education, Skills and Early Years Committee.

Council asks that appropriate officers continue their positive working relationship with TIE in order to engage the city's headteachers, heads of department and officers from Education Services to promote the opportunities that the new national platform can bring.

Council notes that June is Pride month and Education Services held its annual Pride Lite event in the city chamber on 14th June which featured LGBTQI+ role models and storytellers. Council commends and takes pride in its staff and pupils and commits to continue celebrating diversity and inclusion annually and an ongoing basis in programmes and events such as ALLIES 23 and Pride Lite". View Papers
(b)Motion by Bailie Sharon Greer:-

"Council notes the statistics published by the End Child Poverty Coalition which showed that, after housing costs, Child Poverty in 2021/22 in Glasgow stood at 32%; that continued inflation and the continuing cost of living crisis is likely to continue to exacerbate child poverty; and notes the reaction of organisations like the Trussell Trust to the Scottish Government's plan to end Foodbank use in Scotland, saying that the Government "has missed an opportunity to address record levels of food bank use with the requisite leadership and urgency.

Council believes the new statistics serve as a wake-up call that further action is required and is therefore deeply disappointed that the Scottish Government has - to date - failed to provide promised funding for the Council's Holiday Food Programme in 2023; and that this comes amidst suggestions from the Scottish Government that the Summer programme would be targeted rather than universal.

Council re-commits itself to the principle of removing any stigma from potential food provision; believes that food provision for our young people within and outwith School should be delivered on a universal basis; and commits to engage with Scottish Government on these terms.

Council therefore resolves to write to the Scottish Government: expressing its preference for a universal approach to food provision; expressing its deep disappointment that the Children's Holiday Food programme in 2023/24 is being put at risk by a failure to provide the necessary funding; and to reiterate the Council's expectation that Ministers will provide an urgent response". View Papers
(c)Motion by Bailie Elaine Gallagher:-

"This Council welcomes Pride month as a celebration of LGBTQ+ visibility and unity. The Council recognises that Pride is the anniversary of the Stonewall riots, the result of police oppression and injustice against LGBTQ+ people, in particular drag queens and other gender- nonconforming people. As such, the Council recognises that Pride is a protest against continuing injustice.

The Council recognises the growing evidence that anti-drag-queen and anti-LGBTQ+ sentiment is the result of a small right-wing minority, not the general populace.

The Council recognises that such sentiment is resulting in increasing threats to trans and gender-nonconforming people, the establishment of a hostile environment to LGBTQ+ people, and to violence against trans people encouraged by this hostile environment, resulting in multiple deaths each year including suicides that are attributable to harassment, and are commemorated on Trans Day of Remembrance.

The Council recognises that such sentiment is equivalent to the sentiment that resulted in the Section 28 legislation, which caused severe harm to LGBTQ+ rights and individuals, and that such sentiment has become equivalent in some instances to a genocidal threat against trans people.

The Council also recognises the expanding threat to women's rights that anti-trans sentiment represents, with cisgender women now being victimised for wearing trousers or otherwise not appearing sufficiently female. Council further notes that protests against events involving drag or cross-dressing are counter to long-standing traditions such as pantomime, and such events are part of Glasgow's culture and no threat to the morals of Glasgow's children.

The Council resolves that such sentiment has no place in a democratic society. The Council deplores the intention of the current Westminster administration to focus on anti-trans and other such so-called "culture war" activities instead of addressing the needs of the nation with regard to corruption, greed and economic injustice.

The Council moves that it will not support such culture war activities and that the Council's measures to ensure protection of equality and human rights will include protection of vulnerable LGBTQ+ people to the limit of its ability.

The Council requests the relevant conveners review current LGBTQ+ equality measures with regard to protection of trans- and gender-nonconforming people, their effectiveness in reducing the impact of the culture war and hostile anti-LGBTQ+ environment, and their protection of trans identities and vulnerable trans people.

Council notes initial measures in schools to promote transgender-inclusive classrooms, as well as schools that have achieved Charter Status with LGBT Youth Scotland, and the support of the Time for Inclusion in Education (TIE) campaign in developing events such as Storytelling and Creative Workshops. The Council requests the relevant conveners and responsible officers further develop these measures and to roll them out to all schools in Glasgow.

The Council will demonstrate its support for Pride and LGBTQ+ equality by amending the flag policy and procuring appropriate flags to fly in order to commemorate Pride, Trans and Bi days of visibility, Trans Day of Remembrance, etc. Council congratulates the organisers of the recent Pride Light event, and proposes that as of 2024 an annual civic reception will be held in the City Chambers on the day of Pride in Glasgow to welcome the LGBTQ+ community." View Papers
(d)Motion by Councillor Laura Doherty:-

"Council recognises and restates its position that Gambling is a significant public health issue within the city. Council notes the work the City Government has done to raise awareness of Gambling as a public health issue since 2018, building on the 2014 cross party sounding board on the impact of fixed odds betting terminals, recognising that the changes in the Gambling industry and that huge profits are made by private companies within a global market, and that Regulation of gambling is a matter reserved to Westminster which has done little to keep pace with these changes and address Gambling Harms, and this would have been better addressed if the Smith Commission had devolved gambling powers to Scotland.

Council further recognises the work since 2018 which has involved:

- work of the previous Wellbeing, Empowerment, Community and Citizen Engagement and General Purposes Committees

- September 2019 - WECCE Development Day Session hosted on Gambling and Public Health

- January 2020 - formation of a Glasgow Gambling Harms Group in partnership with the Scottish Public Health Network

- September 2021 - Glasgow City Council hosted a virtual summit and fringe events including a UK All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) evidence session

- March 2022 - establishment of Glasgow Gambling Harm Multi-Agency Group - which includes membership from the Council, Glasgow HSCP, Glasgow Life, Glasgow Council for Voluntary Sector, Health and Social Care Alliance, Glasgow Life and Public Health Scotland

- September 2022 - refreshed Council Gambling Workforce Support Policy agreed

- May 2023 - launch of a city-wide whole systems local action plan to prevent and reduce gambling harms

Council instructs the Chief Executive Department and colleagues to bring an update on Gambling Harms and the local action plan to the Wellbeing, Equalities, Communities, Culture and Engagement City Policy Committee in the next cycle.

Council further instructs the Chief Executive to write to the Scottish Government Minister for Social Care, Mental Wellbeing and Sport and Secretary of State for the Department for Culture, Media and Sport regarding the white paper published on 27 April 2023 entitled "High stakes: gambling reform for the digital age" which, finally, sets out the UK Government's plan for reform of gambling regulation following the review of the Gambling Act 2005 in order to reiterate our calls that:

- Gambling should be recognised as a public health issue and more robust regulation of operators and technology is needed as well as better safeguarding of gambling and gaming especially of young people;

- Scotland and local government must be empowered to take action on this, and that legal anomalies in the legislation are addressed;

- the long overdue statutory gambling operator levy which will replace the current voluntary levy which is not fit for purpose, must see equitable funding come directly to Scotland and Glasgow in order to fund treatment and support its work on addressing gambling harms;

- the UK Treasury must design and deliver funding that is proportionate and fair and invests in those local communities where there is a proliferation of "environmental bads" such as gambling fuelled by poverty and its harms addressed; and

- Glasgow's track record of a whole systems approach involving researchers, stakeholders and people with lived experience sets it apart and that due to this, Glasgow is best positioned as a city to develop a UK centre of excellence in addressing gambling harms, to fund research, education and treatment of gambling harms."  View Papers
(e)Motion by Councillor Soryia Siddique:-

"Council notes that members of EIS-FELA have begun to take strike action in response to an unsatisfactory pay offer and proposed job cuts; notes that the offer tabled by College Employers Scotland amounts to a real-terms pay cut for FE lecturers and staff; and further notes that the pay offer comes against a backdrop of the Scottish Government reneging on its pledge to provide £46million for Colleges and Universities, and a real-terms cut to college funding since 2007.

Council also notes with deep concern the proposal by City of Glasgow College to introduce compulsory redundancies in order to balance its budget; and that this comes alongside warnings from representatives of the college sector that in "the absence of sustainable investment in the college sector, there will be a reduction in learner pathways out of poverty…"

Council believes: that Colleges are a vital pillar for building a stronger Glasgow economy and ensuring access to education for all; that a Government committed to inclusive growth should adequately support the FE sector; and deeply regrets the impact that this action will have on current and potential college learners.

Council resolves to support the EIS in their campaign for a sufficient pay increase; to call on the Scottish Government to recommit to the £46million pledged for Higher and Further Education in 23/24 budget; and resolves to write to the Scottish Government in this regard."
(f)Motion by Bailie Christy Mearns:-

"Council believes that the arts are fundamental to enriching our communities and our society and that a thriving arts and culture sector is vital to Glasgow's economy, supporting thousands of jobs and having wider benefit to the Scottish economy. Council notes that over two million tourists visit our city every year, enjoying our world-class public and independent cultural institutions and major events. Council recognises the city's success in hosting events, including the Commonwealth Games, Celtic Connections, Glasgow Film Festival, Glasgow International Festival, and more.

Glasgow is also one of only three cities in the UK with UNESCO City of Music status; in 2019 was named UK's "top cultural and creative city" by the European Commission; and our museums are the most visited civic museums in the UK.

Council notes that local authority spend on cultural services has reduced by around 33%, in real terms, since 2009/10, and also recalls its response to the Scottish Government's Resource Spending Review highlighted a £27 million "subsidy" by Glasgow City Council of sports and culture assets which could be considered national or regional assets in terms of their scale, nature and economic contribution. Council believes that there is a compelling case for the Scottish and UK Governments to fund these assets and services differently, and that doing so would free up local budgets to fund local services.

Council further recognises that Glasgow's independent cultural sector also continues to face significant challenges, due to the ongoing cost-of-living crisis, Brexit, pressure on national budgets and local budgets, such as the Glasgow Communities Fund, which are unable to meet the demand placed on them; and that many extremely valuable arts and culture organisations cannot access sufficient, sustainable funding and have been damaged as a result. The knock-on impact of this on health, well-being, and opportunities for our communities, particularly those most disadvantaged, is significant.

Council recognises that without real change, our valued public and independent cultural facilities will continue to be negatively affected by cuts, such as those recently seen in the 2023/24 Glasgow City Council budget passed in February, which will have a significant impact on jobs, opening hours and Glasgow's world-renowned exhibitions and museum collections.

Council recognises that the proposed Transient Visitor Levy could allow Glasgow to raise funds to support culture, tourism and events locally; believes that the Council should implement a Levy following rapid development of a business case, but agrees that this does not fix the pre-existing disparity in relation to funding of our cultural assets and that we should continue to make the case for additional national funding.

Therefore, Council agrees to:

1. Write to the new Minister for Culture, Christina McKelvie MSP and to the Secretary of State for Scotland, requesting a fairer national settlement for Glasgow's cultural assets which recognise their importance to Scotland's economy;

2. Develop and maintain a regularly-convened Culture Forum, ensuring that there is a broad representation of independent arts and culture organisations, to improve joint-working and dialogue on the city centre strategy;

3. Provide Political Group briefings on Glasgow's new Culture Strategy, including opportunities for groups to input to the development of the Strategy, in advance of the final draft being presented to committee in Autumn 2023;

4. Consider the option to make "celebrating Glasgow's arts and culture" an additional category for use of Civic Hospitality Funds, to promote our UNESCO City of Music status and the creative talent in our city;

5. Support the Council having powers to introduce a Visitor Levy and instruct officers to undertake necessary preparatory work on a public consultation, based on the requirements of the Visitor Levy Bill as introduced, so that the Council can begin to consult as soon as possible following passing of the Bill, and to proceed with implementation of a Levy, if agreed and in line with legislation, without delay.

6. Recognise the contribution that artists and creatives make to Glasgow's cultural richness and economic viability by supporting the campaigns, Art Unlocks and "Artists Make a Better World";

7. Bring together Councillors to engage in a review of the impact of arts and culture across tourism, economic development, finance, health and social care, built heritage and communities. Further information on this impact to be provided to the relevant committee in 2023-24."
(g)Motion by Councillor Zen Ghani:-

"Council notes the recent production in the Tramway of "We Can Be Heroes" a play performed by and based on a collection of short stories written by children from St Albert's Primary in Pollokshields which explored equality, female empowerment, race, and religion and in the words of a pupil was "full of music and dance and great fun." Council further notes that the short stories and play were in response to a visit to the school in October 2022 by the then First Minster and local MSP, Nicola Sturgeon, which led to racist trolls targeting pupils and parents with vile comments, both online and in person including shouting abuse outside the school gates.

Council recognises that rightly there was outrage at these events and commends the solidarity shown by the wider school community and city with pupils, parents, and staff who "choose a different way to respond, and chose dance and drama, and love and community". Council further recognises Glasgow is and always has been a dynamic and diverse city being at its best when it is welcoming and upholds those values.

Council commends Education Services and Glasgow Life for working with the pupils to produce a professional theatre piece which provided pupils with a platform and a voice that is in line with their commitment to involvement and empowerment, as demonstrated by Education Services' active anti-racist work and Glasgow Life's commitment to being an agent of change.

Council notes that people of colour are under-represented in the creative arts, as are other groups such as people with disabilities and those from a lower socioeconomic background. Council further commends St Albert's Primary for highlighting the arts and the creative industries as career options for our young people; and the efforts made by Education Services and Glasgow Life to make those careers more accessible.

Council recognises that anti-racism is an ongoing process which needs careful planning, commitment, constant action, and evaluation; that this work does not fall to one team, one school, or one department but is the responsibility of all of us; to work with colleagues in Education Services, the wider Council and Glasgow family to embed this approach.

Council instructs the Executive Director of Education to explore with colleagues and Glasgow Life how this type of work can be promoted as a vehicle for further anti-racist action, celebration of our schools and communities. Harnessing lessons from St Albert's Primary and other schools across the city which are anchoring the arts and creativity in the curriculum; thus, building upon the excellent record of destinations and improving accessibility to careers in Glasgow's flourishing creative industries."