City Administration Committee Agenda - 15 June 2023, 10:00 Help

A meeting to be held at by hybrid at 10:00 on 15 June 2023.

Number Item
City Convener for Culture, Sport and International Relations - Bailie Annette Christie. 
1Disposals for Museums and Library Collections - Report by City Convener for Culture, Sport and International Relations. View Papers
Depute Leader of the Council, City Treasurer and City Convener for Financial Inclusion - Councillor Richard Bell. 
2Outturn Report 2022/23 - Report by Depute Leader of the Council, City Treasurer and City Convener for Financial Inclusion. View Papers
City Convener for Climate, Glasgow Green Deal, Transport and City Centre Recovery - Councillor Angus Millar. 
3Travel Behaviour Change Strategy - Report by City Convener for Climate, Glasgow Green Deal, Transport and City Centre Recovery. View Papers
4Acceptance of 2023/24 Active Travel Transformation Fund and Cycling, Walking and Safer Routes Funding - Report by City Convener for Climate, Glasgow Green Deal, Transport and City Centre Recovery. View Papers
City Convener for Neighbourhood Services and Assets - Councillor Ruairi Kelly. 
5Seven Lochs Progress Report and New Collaboration Agreement (Ward 18 and 21) - Report by City Convener for Neighbourhood Services and Assets. View Papers