City Administration Committee Agenda - 08 August 2024, 10:00 Help

A meeting to be held at by hybrid at 10:00 on 08 August 2024.

Number Item
Depute Leader of the Council, City Treasurer and City Convener for Financial Inclusion - Councillor Richard Bell. 
1Budget Monitoring 2024/25 - Period 4 - Report by Depute Leader of the Council, City Treasurer and City Convener for Financial Inclusion. View Papers
2Investment Programme 2024/25 - Quarter 1 - Report by Depute Leader of the Council, City Treasurer and City Convener for Financial Inclusion. View Papers
City Convener for Health, Care & Caring and Older People - Councillor Chris Cunningham. 
3Contractual Uplifts - Children's Social Care Pay Uplift 2024/25 - Report by City Convener for Health, Care & Caring and Older People. View Papers
Ad hoc 
4Changes to Committees and representation on outside bodies.  View Papers