Licensing and Regulatory Committee Agenda - 15 January 2025, 09:30 Help

A meeting to be held at City Chambers, Glasgow at 09:30 on 15 January 2025.

Number Item
Items for decision. 
1Civic Government (Scotland) Act 1982 - Immediate suspension of various licences - Reports by Director of Legal and Administration:- View Papers
(a)Private hire car driver's licence - Paul Leebody (PD28185); View Papers
(b)Private hire car driver's licence - Henry Gillespie (PD28365); View Papers
(c)Private hire car driver's licence - Michael Mallon (PD28472); View Papers
(d)Private hire car driver's licence - Paul McFarlane (PD29269); View Papers
(e)Private hire car driver's licence - Stewart MacAuley (PD29442); View Papers
(f)Private hire car driver's licence - Mohamed Alfatih Mohamed (PD31308); View Papers
(g)Private hire car driver's licence - Thomas Winters (PD32613); View Papers
(h)Taxi driver's licence - Richard McKnight (TD16200); View Papers
(i)Taxi driver's licence - Gerald Kilty (TD16316); View Papers
(j)Taxi driver's licence - Andrew McCallion (TD16354); View Papers
(k)Taxi driver's licence - James McGaughey (TD16792); View Papers
(l)Taxi driver's licence - Peter Lowis (TD16870); and View Papers
(m)Taxi driver's licence - William Anderson (TD16940). View Papers
2Applications for various types of licences - Report by Director of Legal and Administration. View Papers
3Civic Government (Scotland) Act 1982 - Proposed public consultation on demand for taxi and private hire car services and whether to continue to have policies limiting the number of licensed vehiicles - Report by Director of Legal and Administration. View Papers