Planning Applications Committee Agenda - 18 June 2024, 09:30 Help

A meeting to be held at City Chambers, Glasgow at 09:30 on 18 June 2024.

Number Item
1Pre-determination Hearing:- Application for planning permission - Site Bounded By Anderston Quay/Warroch Street/Whitehall Street/Hydepark Street (Ward 10) - 23/02295/FUL - Erection of mixed-use development comprising residential (Sui Generis), purpose-built student accommodation (Sui Generis) and commercial uses (Class 1A, Class 3, Class 10 and Class 11) with landscaping/public realm, parking and access. View Papers
2Applications for planning permission:-
(a)Site Formerly Known as 10 Kelbourne Street (Ward 15) - 23/03108/FUL - Erection of student accommodation (Sui Generis) with associated ancillary development; View Papers
(b)9 Caldercuilt Road (Ward 15) - 23/01167/FUL - Erection of two storey detatched garage with residential accommodation above; and View Papers
(c)367-373 Bryes Road (Ward 23 ) - 24/00511/FUL - Installation of replacement mechanical plant. View Papers