Finance and Audit Scrutiny Committee Agenda - 18 September 2024, 13:30 Help

A meeting to be held at by hydrid at 13:30 on 18 September 2024.

Number Item
1Responses to questions from meeting on 21st August 2024 - Report by Director of Financial and Business Services. View Papers
Work programme. 
2Early Retirement/Voluntary Redundancy - Joint report by Executive Director of Finance and Head of Human Resources. View Papers
3Common Good Fund Property Portfolio - Update - Report by Director of Financial and Business Services. View Papers
4Gifts and Hospitality - Report by Executive Director of Finance. View Papers
5EY Annual Audit Plan - Report by Executive Director of Finance. View Papers
6Internal Audit Reports - Reports by Head of Audit Inspection:-  View Papers
(a)Chief Executive's Department and Neighbourhoods, Regeneration and Sustainability - Mini Comp B Process; View Papers
(b)Corporate Review - Early Retirement and Voluntary Redundancy; View Papers
(c)Corporate Review - Establishment Visits; View Papers
(d)Corporate Review - GOLD Training Compliance; View Papers
(e)Corporate Review - Performance Management - Council Strategic Plan; View Papers
(f)Corporate Review - Procurement - Non-Contract Spend; View Papers
(g)Education Services - Payroll Verification; View Papers
(h)Financial Services - National Living Wage; View Papers
(i)Neighbourhoods, Regeneration and Sustainability - Fleet Management Arrangements; View Papers
(j)Neighbourhoods, Regeneration and Sustainability - Low Emission Zone - Charging and Income; View Papers
(k)Neighbourhoods, Regeneration and Sustainability - Parking Income; View Papers
(l)Neighbourhoods, Regeneration and Sustainability - Stock Control Arrangements; View Papers
(m)Neighbourhoods, Regeneration and Sustainability - Waste Depots - CCTV Systems; and View Papers
(n)Social Work Services/Glasgow City Integration Joint Board - Governance Review. View Papers