Finance and Audit Scrutiny Committee Agenda - 23 October 2024, 13:30 Help

A meeting to be held at City Chambers, Glasgow at 13:30 on 23 October 2024.

Number Item
1Responses to questions from meeting on 18th September 2024 - Report by Director of Financial and Business Services. View Papers
2Internal Audit Reports - Reports by Head of Audit Inspection:-  View Papers
(a)Corporate Review - Leavers process; View Papers
(b)Education Services - Hardware asset management; and View Papers
(c)Financial Services - Accounts payable. View Papers
3Internal Audit - Follow up - Report by Head of Audit and Inspection.  View Papers
4Arms Length External Organisations - Internal Audit update report - Report by Head of Audit and Inspection. View Papers
5Internal Audit 2024/25 Mid-Year Report - Report by Head of Audit and Inspection. View Papers