Planning Local Review Committee Agenda - 18 February 2025, 11:30 Help

A meeting to be held at by video conference at 11:30 on 18 February 2025.

Number Item
1Site At Muirend Avenue/Clarkston Road (Ward 1) - 24/00213/LOCAL - Use of site as car wash, valeting and detailing facility with tyre fitting, service and repairs garage, parking and 2no EV charge points. (Partly Retrospective). View Papers
2321 Great Western Road (Ward 11) - 24/00205/LOCAL - Erection of outbuilding store to rear of restaurant (Retrospective). View Papers
3Land adjacent to 2A Fernleigh Road (Ward 2) - 24/00223/LOCAL - Use of land for charging of electric vehicles, installation of EV chargers, feeder pillar, access and associated works. View Papers