Register of Interests for : Dan Hutchison  Help Icon

This page shows you Dan Hutchison declared interests.

Date Section Type Description
06/05/2022 Section 1 Remuneration Patrick Harvie MSP - Regional Support Officer
06/05/2022 Section 2 Other roles None
06/05/2022 Section 3 Contracts None
10/06/2022 Section 4 Election Expenses £1,943.04
06/05/2022 Section 5 Houses, Land and Buildings Property in Glasgow City Council Ward 5, Govan
06/05/2022 Section 6 Interest in Shares and Securities None
06/05/2022 Section 7 Gifts and Hospitality I will only accept Gifts & Hospitality offered to me in line with the guidance contained within the Councillors' Code of Conduct.
19/06/2024 Section 8 Non-Financial Interests Unite the Union
Parliamentary Greens Staff Union
Industrial Workers of the World
Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament
Get Glasgow Moving
Palestine Solidarity Camapign
Clyde Community Hall - Board Chair (from May 2023 to Jun 2024)
Clyde Community Hall - Trustee (w/e Jun 2024)
Republican Socialist Platform
Republic - Member
Course of study with Sabhal Mòr Ostaig
Ibroxholm Owners Association - Member
06/05/2022 Section 9 Close Family Members None