Register of Interests for : Lana Reid-McConnell  Help Icon

This page shows you Lana Reid-McConnell declared interests.

Date Section Type Description
06/05/2022 Section 1 Remuneration Sphera Solutions Ltd, Sustainability Consultant
06/05/2022 Section 2 Other roles None
06/05/2022 Section 3 Contracts None
10/06/2022 Section 4 Election Expenses £1,981.80
06/05/2022 Section 5 Houses, Land and Buildings Property in Glasgow City Council Ward 12, Victoria Park
Property in Glasgow City Council Ward 12, Victoria Park (until February 2022)
Property in Sheffield City Council, Sheffield Central (until November 2021)
06/05/2022 Section 6 Interest in Shares and Securities None
06/05/2022 Section 7 Gifts and Hospitality I will only accept Gifts & Hospitality offered to me in line with the guidance contained within the Councillors' Code of Conduct.
31/05/2024 Section 8 Non-Financial Interests Unite Union
Living Rent
Scottish Greens
Member of Glasgow Eco Trust - (w/e from January 2023)
Member of Whiteinch & Scotstoun Housing Association (w/e May 2023)
Acorn Membership (ended circa May 2023)
06/05/2022 Section 9 Close Family Members None