Latest Meetings and Agendas Help Icon

These are the latest meetings and agendas.

Click on a meeting date to view to view the published Agenda and Committee Documents for the meeting.

Committee Order the Results By Body Title Date Order the Results By Meeting Date descending Start Time Agenda Published Location
Operational Performance and Delivery Scrutiny Committee 02/10/2024 13:30  25/09/2024 City Chambers, Glasgow
Personnel Appeals Committee 24/09/2024 14:00  10/09/2024 By Video Conference
Personnel Appeals Committee 22/10/2024 14:00    By Video Conference
Planning Applications Committee 01/10/2024 09:30  25/09/2024 by video conference.
Planning Applications Committee 22/10/2024 09:30    by video conference.
Planning Local Review Committee 24/09/2024 11:30  18/09/2024 by video conference.
Planning Local Review Committee 08/10/2024 11:30    by video conference.
Wellbeing, Equalities, Communities, Culture and Engagement City Policy Committee 26/09/2024 13:30  20/09/2024 City Chambers, Glasgow


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