Submission History: Motion by Councillor Ruairi Kelly:- "Council welcomes the ongoing work on the North Laurieston Masterplan, undertaken by New Gorbals Housing Association (NGHA) on behalf of, and in conjunction with, Glasgow City Council. It also welcomes the expert input of specialists within structural engineering, traffic management and commercial property fields and those undertaking extensive community engagement. Council believes the Masterplan can be the catalyst for a new future for Glasgow's South Bank, bringing it together with ongoing City Centre regeneration and delivering the final stage of the wider regeneration of the Gorbals and Laurieston. It further recognises that the 35 year regeneration of Gorbals and Laurieston has required dedication, partnership and perseverance to overcome the scars of what Glasgow's Place Commission called 'shatter zones' of post war urban planning and deindustrialisation. Council proudly welcomes the recognition of Glasgow as an exemplar of sustainable housing, regeneration, community empowerment and living well locally by the United Nations and the critical role of the New Gorbals Regeneration in securing that status. Council notes that the North Laurieston area comprises many of the elements which have hindered neighbourhood regeneration including: fragmented and absentee ownership; poor upkeep of listed and heritage buildings; general lack of care towards built heritage; failure to recognise, active travel, public transport and the primacy of people in planning; and a lack of ambition in returning the River Clyde to the centre of Glasgow life. Council, however, further notes that the routes to overcoming such barriers can act as the catalyst for wider change, making North Laurieston an exemplar in how Local and National Government can leverage new and existing powers alongside immediate incentives and initiatives for housing associations, the private sector and other stakeholders. In doing so, Council believes North Laurieston can become a vibrant and modern waterfront community protective of its world-class built heritage and with additional housing capacity adjacent to the city centre and internationally recognised regeneration across Gorbals and Laurieston. Council calls on the UK Government to address the VAT imbalance between renovation and new build projects. Council believes that the removal of VAT would support the preservation of heritage assets in the city and instructs the Chief Executive to write to the Financial Secretary to the Treasury detailing the impact this can have on the city, its heritage, ambitions and sustainability targets. Council commits to developing an implementation plan to deliver on the ongoing Masterplan and to highlight this as an area of priority and opportunity with the Scottish and UK Governments and institutional investors." Help Icon

This is the history for the submission "Motion by Councillor Ruairi Kelly:- "Council welcomes the ongoing work on the North Laurieston Masterplan, undertaken by New Gorbals Housing Association (NGHA) on behalf of, and in conjunction with, Glasgow City Council. It also welcomes the expert input of specialists within structural engineering, traffic management and commercial property fields and those undertaking extensive community engagement. Council believes the Masterplan can be the catalyst for a new future for Glasgow's South Bank, bringing it together with ongoing City Centre regeneration and delivering the final stage of the wider regeneration of the Gorbals and Laurieston. It further recognises that the 35 year regeneration of Gorbals and Laurieston has required dedication, partnership and perseverance to overcome the scars of what Glasgow's Place Commission called 'shatter zones' of post war urban planning and deindustrialisation. Council proudly welcomes the recognition of Glasgow as an exemplar of sustainable housing, regeneration, community empowerment and living well locally by the United Nations and the critical role of the New Gorbals Regeneration in securing that status. Council notes that the North Laurieston area comprises many of the elements which have hindered neighbourhood regeneration including: fragmented and absentee ownership; poor upkeep of listed and heritage buildings; general lack of care towards built heritage; failure to recognise, active travel, public transport and the primacy of people in planning; and a lack of ambition in returning the River Clyde to the centre of Glasgow life. Council, however, further notes that the routes to overcoming such barriers can act as the catalyst for wider change, making North Laurieston an exemplar in how Local and National Government can leverage new and existing powers alongside immediate incentives and initiatives for housing associations, the private sector and other stakeholders. In doing so, Council believes North Laurieston can become a vibrant and modern waterfront community protective of its world-class built heritage and with additional housing capacity adjacent to the city centre and internationally recognised regeneration across Gorbals and Laurieston. Council calls on the UK Government to address the VAT imbalance between renovation and new build projects. Council believes that the removal of VAT would support the preservation of heritage assets in the city and instructs the Chief Executive to write to the Financial Secretary to the Treasury detailing the impact this can have on the city, its heritage, ambitions and sustainability targets. Council commits to developing an implementation plan to deliver on the ongoing Masterplan and to highlight this as an area of priority and opportunity with the Scottish and UK Governments and institutional investors."".

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Glasgow City Council 12/09/2024 Click here