Submission History: By Councillor John Letford:- "Council notes the publication by the Occupational and Environmental Health Research Group (OEHRG) of the paper 'Occupational Health and Safety in Scotland' and welcomes the invaluable contribution of the report's key recommendations. Council therefore resolves to work with partners to develop a worker and community health and safety centre by year end. In leading this proposal with partners in the public, private and Third Sectors, Council will charge such a centre to advise all employees in Glasgow about prevention, the detection of disease, injury and support available, and will seek to fund the centre by working with partners and by re-aligning funds from within any health promotion budget." Help Icon

This is the history for the submission "By Councillor John Letford:- "Council notes the publication by the Occupational and Environmental Health Research Group (OEHRG) of the paper 'Occupational Health and Safety in Scotland' and welcomes the invaluable contribution of the report's key recommendations. Council therefore resolves to work with partners to develop a worker and community health and safety centre by year end. In leading this proposal with partners in the public, private and Third Sectors, Council will charge such a centre to advise all employees in Glasgow about prevention, the detection of disease, injury and support available, and will seek to fund the centre by working with partners and by re-aligning funds from within any health promotion budget."".

It shows every meeting that the submission went before and links to the agenda for those meetings.

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Glasgow City Council 15/05/2014 Click here