Submission History: By Councillor Ken Andrew:- "Council recognises that Glasgow enjoys a long-standing international reputation as a major centre for music. Council notes the many bands and artists that started their career in the city. Council further notes that no major rock act misses Glasgow from their touring schedule. Accordingly, this Council instructs Glasgow Life to investigate a festival of Rock, Blues and Indie music to be held in the summer. This festival would use the highly successful format used by the South by South-West Festival in Austin, Texas. This supports hundreds of new acts, as well as showcasing new material from more established artists." Help Icon

This is the history for the submission "By Councillor Ken Andrew:- "Council recognises that Glasgow enjoys a long-standing international reputation as a major centre for music. Council notes the many bands and artists that started their career in the city. Council further notes that no major rock act misses Glasgow from their touring schedule. Accordingly, this Council instructs Glasgow Life to investigate a festival of Rock, Blues and Indie music to be held in the summer. This festival would use the highly successful format used by the South by South-West Festival in Austin, Texas. This supports hundreds of new acts, as well as showcasing new material from more established artists."".

It shows every meeting that the submission went before and links to the agenda for those meetings.

Committee Meeting View Agenda
Glasgow City Council 30/10/2014 Click here