Submission History: Outcome of Judical Review - Oral report by Executive Director of Development and Regeneration Services:- Application for planning permission - 500 Duntreath Aveneue (Ward 14) - 14/00899/DC - Use of industrial building as retail store, partial demolition of building, external alterations, formation of car parking and landscaping and alterations to vehicular access: Potentially contrary to Development Policy Principle DEV 3 industry and business of City Plan 2. Help Icon

This is the history for the submission "Outcome of Judical Review - Oral report by Executive Director of Development and Regeneration Services:- Application for planning permission - 500 Duntreath Aveneue (Ward 14) - 14/00899/DC - Use of industrial building as retail store, partial demolition of building, external alterations, formation of car parking and landscaping and alterations to vehicular access: Potentially contrary to Development Policy Principle DEV 3 industry and business of City Plan 2.".

It shows every meeting that the submission went before and links to the agenda for those meetings.

Committee Meeting View Agenda
Planning Applications Committee 13/09/2016 Click here