Submission History: By Councillor Elaine McSporran:- "Council notes with concern the recent escalation in demonstrations at NHS facilities, especially activity targeted at women and staff attending sexual and reproductive health services and NHS hospitals. Council further notes the distribution and display of misleading information and distressing images, which can intimidate women and jeopardise access to legal healthcare services. Council believes in upholding the right to peaceful protest. Council further believes that the right to peaceful protest should not interfere with the fundamental right for women to make individual reproductive choices, or NHS professionals to do their job without fear or abuse. Council further notes that campaigns against women exercising their sexual health rights can continue without occupying the space immediately outside clinics and services. Council applauds the actions of Ealing Council to consult with the community, most importantly medical professionals and women about their right to healthcare. Council supports the exploration of the case for buffer zones outside reproductive health clinics and hospitals as a means of ensuring that no individuals are harassed or obstructed from accessing confidential advice and treatment of any kind. Council calls on the Integration Joint Board to investigate the need for buffer zones around sexual and reproductive health facilities, and hospitals." Help Icon

This is the history for the submission "By Councillor Elaine McSporran:- "Council notes with concern the recent escalation in demonstrations at NHS facilities, especially activity targeted at women and staff attending sexual and reproductive health services and NHS hospitals. Council further notes the distribution and display of misleading information and distressing images, which can intimidate women and jeopardise access to legal healthcare services. Council believes in upholding the right to peaceful protest. Council further believes that the right to peaceful protest should not interfere with the fundamental right for women to make individual reproductive choices, or NHS professionals to do their job without fear or abuse. Council further notes that campaigns against women exercising their sexual health rights can continue without occupying the space immediately outside clinics and services. Council applauds the actions of Ealing Council to consult with the community, most importantly medical professionals and women about their right to healthcare. Council supports the exploration of the case for buffer zones outside reproductive health clinics and hospitals as a means of ensuring that no individuals are harassed or obstructed from accessing confidential advice and treatment of any kind. Council calls on the Integration Joint Board to investigate the need for buffer zones around sexual and reproductive health facilities, and hospitals."".

It shows every meeting that the submission went before and links to the agenda for those meetings.

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Glasgow City Council 17/05/2018 Click here