Submission History: By Councillor Maggie McTernan:- "This Council welcomes the positive report on school leaver destinations for 2016/2017, with a record 91.9% of pupils going on to further or higher education, training or employment. Council notes however that the experience of looked after children continues to lag behind others, particularly the experience of those looked after in care. Council notes that this is just one of many injustices and inequalities that care-experienced and otherwise looked-after young people face. While recognising that there is much more to do, Council commends the HSCP's radical Transforming Children's Services plan which was approved last year, in particular the emphasis on reducing out of authority placements and increased investment in localities and early intervention and prevention and recognises the strong commitment to close working between Social Work and Education Services to improve educational outcomes for looked after children and young people. Council believes that it is the responsibility of this Council to continue finding creative and innovative ways to achieve the aim of helping those who are most disadvantaged. Council believes that more can and should be done to support Glasgow's care leavers. Council notes that Scottish Government statistics show that 492 young people from Glasgow ceased to be looked after between 1st August 2015 and 31st July 2016. Council notes the highly successful pilot run by the Life Changes Trust in 2014 which provided small individual grants over a 3-month period, which offered a budget of up to £500 for any young person with experience of being in care. Council therefore resolves to instruct the City Convener for Health and Social Care Integration to work with the relevant City Policy committee, and other relevant stakeholders, to bring forward proposals to enhance the financial support available to Glasgow's care leavers, including the use of individual grants. Council further resolves that any proposals should empower Glasgow's care experienced young people to make their own decisions about the support that they need." Help Icon

This is the history for the submission "By Councillor Maggie McTernan:- "This Council welcomes the positive report on school leaver destinations for 2016/2017, with a record 91.9% of pupils going on to further or higher education, training or employment. Council notes however that the experience of looked after children continues to lag behind others, particularly the experience of those looked after in care. Council notes that this is just one of many injustices and inequalities that care-experienced and otherwise looked-after young people face. While recognising that there is much more to do, Council commends the HSCP's radical Transforming Children's Services plan which was approved last year, in particular the emphasis on reducing out of authority placements and increased investment in localities and early intervention and prevention and recognises the strong commitment to close working between Social Work and Education Services to improve educational outcomes for looked after children and young people. Council believes that it is the responsibility of this Council to continue finding creative and innovative ways to achieve the aim of helping those who are most disadvantaged. Council believes that more can and should be done to support Glasgow's care leavers. Council notes that Scottish Government statistics show that 492 young people from Glasgow ceased to be looked after between 1st August 2015 and 31st July 2016. Council notes the highly successful pilot run by the Life Changes Trust in 2014 which provided small individual grants over a 3-month period, which offered a budget of up to £500 for any young person with experience of being in care. Council therefore resolves to instruct the City Convener for Health and Social Care Integration to work with the relevant City Policy committee, and other relevant stakeholders, to bring forward proposals to enhance the financial support available to Glasgow's care leavers, including the use of individual grants. Council further resolves that any proposals should empower Glasgow's care experienced young people to make their own decisions about the support that they need." ".

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Glasgow City Council 17/05/2018 Click here