Submission Documents: 14 Barberry Avenue (Ward 3) - 23/00069/LOCAL - Erection of single storey extension to rear and two storey extension to side of dwellinghouse. Help Icon

This is the list of documents available for the submission 14 Barberry Avenue (Ward 3) - 23/00069/LOCAL - Erection of single storey extension to rear and two storey extension to side of dwellinghouse..

Click on the links to view the individual documents in PDF format.

Name Type of Document Access View Document
Item Minute - 13 February 2024 Minute Public Open Document in PDF Format
(44 KB)
List of docs - 14 Barberry Ave.doc Report Public Open Document in PDF Format
(161 KB)
1 - Officer Report Appendix Public Open Document in PDF Format
(248 KB)
2 - Photos combined.pdf Appendix Public Open Document in PDF Format
(1.86 MB)
3 - Report of Handling Appendix Public Open Document in PDF Format
(1.3 MB)
4 - Decision Notice.pdf Appendix Public Open Document in PDF Format
(1.32 MB)
5 - Representation.pdf Appendix Public Open Document in PDF Format
(622 KB)
7 - Notice of Review.pdf Appendix Public Open Document in PDF Format
(1.36 MB)
9 - Suggested Conditions Appendix Public Open Document in PDF Format
(110 KB)


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