Submission Documents: Motion by Councillor Alex Kerr:- "Council deplores the systemic economic mismanagement of the Scottish economy by successive UK Governments which has resulted in a falling standard of living; a decade of cuts to public services; and the loss of access to the European single market and all the benefits that come with that to both Scottish citizens and Scottish businesses. Council notes with deep concern the increasing number of Councils in England, of all political persuasions, which have filed for effective bankruptcy due to over a decade of austerity caused by adhering to the "fiscal rules" imposed by the UK Government and backed by both major UK parties. Council notes with particular concern the financial situation of Labour-run Birmingham Council which has been forced into effective bankruptcy due to underfunding from the UK Government and by failing timeously to settle an Equal Pay dispute. Council recognises a similar situation narrowly was avoided here in Glasgow through the early settlement of a similar Equal Pay dispute by the SNP Administration when it took office in 2017. It must be of the utmost concern that Birmingham, the biggest local authority in Europe, has ended up in effective insolvency, recently resulting to approving plans to increase council tax by 21% over the next two years and £300m of cuts to services including dimming the city's lights. Council further recognises that since 2018, eight English Councils have declared themselves in effect bankrupt , including three others in the past 15 months, those being Nottingham, Thurrock and Woking. Council considers these English Councils to be the "canary in the coal mine" warning of disaster, given that continued UK Government reduction in funding for English Councils' will lead to a consequential reduction in Treasury funding to the Scottish Government and therefore in money available to fund Scotland's local authorities. Council supports the representations made by the Convention of Scottish Local Authorities (COSLA), in conjunction with the Northern Ireland Local Government Association, Welsh Local Government Association, Local Government Association (England), to the Chancellor of the Exchequer, as part of its Spring Budget lobbying campaign, to emphasise the extreme pressures being placed on Local Government across these islands. Council resolves to join COSLA's calls for fair local government funding at a UK level to maximise the funding available for our communities. Council firmly believes that the UK political system has proven itself incapable of delivering economic prosperity, increased living standards for its Scottish Citizens and protecting the public services upon which all rely. Council further believes that Scottish Independence presents an exciting opportunity for a new model of Government for our country far better placed to deliver for those living and working in Scotland. Council notes the considerable number of mandates already given for a further referendum on Scotland's constitutional arrangements and deplores the continuing undemocratic denial by successive UK Governments and political parties of the clearly expressed desire of the people of Scotland to be able to decide their own future. Council requests that the Chief Executive writes on behalf of the Council to the Prime Minister, Chancellor, Leader of the Opposition, and the Shadow Chancellor to make clear our support for COSLA and the other Local Government Associations across these islands in their calls for a fair funding settlement for Local Authorities at a UK level. These letters also should make clear this Council's continued opposition to the undemocratic refusals by successive UK Prime Ministers to recognise the mandates in favour of a new referendum on Independence for Scotland and request a commitment now to respect the democratic wishes of the Scottish electorate. Council further requests that the Chief Executive writes also to the President of COSLA to advise her of these communications and of our support of COSLA's joint campaign with the other Local Government Associations across these islands." Help Icon

This is the list of documents available for the submission Motion by Councillor Alex Kerr:- "Council deplores the systemic economic mismanagement of the Scottish economy by successive UK Governments which has resulted in a falling standard of living; a decade of cuts to public services; and the loss of access to the European single market and all the benefits that come with that to both Scottish citizens and Scottish businesses. Council notes with deep concern the increasing number of Councils in England, of all political persuasions, which have filed for effective bankruptcy due to over a decade of austerity caused by adhering to the "fiscal rules" imposed by the UK Government and backed by both major UK parties. Council notes with particular concern the financial situation of Labour-run Birmingham Council which has been forced into effective bankruptcy due to underfunding from the UK Government and by failing timeously to settle an Equal Pay dispute. Council recognises a similar situation narrowly was avoided here in Glasgow through the early settlement of a similar Equal Pay dispute by the SNP Administration when it took office in 2017. It must be of the utmost concern that Birmingham, the biggest local authority in Europe, has ended up in effective insolvency, recently resulting to approving plans to increase council tax by 21% over the next two years and £300m of cuts to services including dimming the city's lights. Council further recognises that since 2018, eight English Councils have declared themselves in effect bankrupt , including three others in the past 15 months, those being Nottingham, Thurrock and Woking. Council considers these English Councils to be the "canary in the coal mine" warning of disaster, given that continued UK Government reduction in funding for English Councils' will lead to a consequential reduction in Treasury funding to the Scottish Government and therefore in money available to fund Scotland's local authorities. Council supports the representations made by the Convention of Scottish Local Authorities (COSLA), in conjunction with the Northern Ireland Local Government Association, Welsh Local Government Association, Local Government Association (England), to the Chancellor of the Exchequer, as part of its Spring Budget lobbying campaign, to emphasise the extreme pressures being placed on Local Government across these islands. Council resolves to join COSLA's calls for fair local government funding at a UK level to maximise the funding available for our communities. Council firmly believes that the UK political system has proven itself incapable of delivering economic prosperity, increased living standards for its Scottish Citizens and protecting the public services upon which all rely. Council further believes that Scottish Independence presents an exciting opportunity for a new model of Government for our country far better placed to deliver for those living and working in Scotland. Council notes the considerable number of mandates already given for a further referendum on Scotland's constitutional arrangements and deplores the continuing undemocratic denial by successive UK Governments and political parties of the clearly expressed desire of the people of Scotland to be able to decide their own future. Council requests that the Chief Executive writes on behalf of the Council to the Prime Minister, Chancellor, Leader of the Opposition, and the Shadow Chancellor to make clear our support for COSLA and the other Local Government Associations across these islands in their calls for a fair funding settlement for Local Authorities at a UK level. These letters also should make clear this Council's continued opposition to the undemocratic refusals by successive UK Prime Ministers to recognise the mandates in favour of a new referendum on Independence for Scotland and request a commitment now to respect the democratic wishes of the Scottish electorate. Council further requests that the Chief Executive writes also to the President of COSLA to advise her of these communications and of our support of COSLA's joint campaign with the other Local Government Associations across these islands." .

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