Submission Documents: Motion by Bailie Leòdhas Massie:- "Council recalls its emergency motion of 26th October which condemned acts of terrorism in Israel and collective punishment in Gaza and called for a ceasefire in the region. Council stands in solidarity with all of the victims, their families and communities of the on-going siege of Gaza and related violence. Council renews its call for an immediate and lasting ceasefire and reiterates its condemnation of the Israeli Government and Defence Forces and Hamas. Council notes the interim verdict of the International Court for Justice in the case brought by South Africa against Israel, which places six binding actions on Israel, including to do all it can to prevent genocide, refraining from harming or killing Palestinians, urgently getting basic aid to Gaza, and to punish any incitement to genocide. Council further notes that Israel is not enacting these measures and genocide by way of the unjust killing of Palestinian civilians, particularly children, and a growing humanitarian aid crisis have continued uninterrupted, observed by NGO's such as Amnesty International and Gisha. Council continues to stand wholeheartedly against genocide. Council believes the ICJ's ruling places moral obligations on institutions in the UK, including at all levels of Government, to ensure they are not at risk of directly or indirectly supporting genocide. Council commits to widening the present human rights due diligence process when making contract awards decisions by bringing a report to the City Administration Committee detailing actions that the council can lawfully take to assure itself of supply chains that do not conflict with international humanitarian law and seek legal expertise where necessary to advise this. Council would also ask that in the procurement process, organisations seeking to contract with Glasgow City Council are required to provide an assurance of best practice in relation to their operations to satisfy the Council that they are not engaging in grave professional misconduct by operating in a manner that breaches the human rights of those directly and indirectly involved or affected by the organisations' operations. Council further requests that this report outlines an assessment of current Council procurement contracts which include goods or services which have been wholly or partly manufactured, assembled or operated by companies operating in the occupied territories, as per the updated United Nations database of business enterprises in relation to the Occupied Palestinian Territories. This initial assessment would seek to provide a base understanding of the Council supply chain, acknowledging that the aforementioned database is continuously changing. Council also agrees that similar commitments should be made by the Scottish and United Kingdom Governments. Council endorses the Scottish Government's call for an arms embargo on Israel and instructs the Leader of the Council to write to the Foreign Secretary to request that the UK Government introduces such an embargo, takes additional steps as required to ensure the UK is not at risk of directly or indirectly supporting genocide, and to encourage him to join Belgium, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Jordan, Malaysia, The Maldives, Namibia, Pakistan, Turkey as well as the memberships of The Arab League and The Organisation of Islamic Countries in supporting the South African case in the International Court of Justice. Council also supports comments made by the Foreign Secretary that he is considering recognising Palestine as a state and will ensure this view is reflected in this letter. Additionally, the Council instructs the Leader of the Council to write to the First Minister to encourage him to act in all possible capacities to prevent the production and transfer of weapons and weapon components from arms companies in Scotland to Israel or their allies. Council commends the work of numerous organisations in Glasgow campaigning for divestment from the arms trade, particularly noting the work of the Glasgow Against Arms and Fossil Fuels campaign who are calling on the University of Glasgow to divest its funds from the arms trade. Council asks elected members who sit on the boards, courts or senates of universities and other educational trusts and funds to use their position to advocate for divestment from arms. Council especially shares its solidarity with our twin city of Bethlehem in the West Bank, which while not at the core of the current violence, has been the target of raids and a very long occupation. Council requests that the Lord Provost shares a message of solidarity and condolence with the Mayor of Bethlehem. Council also requests that the Lord Provost adds to the flag policy the Palestinian flag to be flown on the 29th November each year for the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, as is observed by the United Nations. Council requests a paper be brought to CAC to explore the financial relief that Glasgow could offer Palestinians in Gaza by way of Medical Aid for Palestine, similar to the financial relief offered to Ukraine in a meeting on 10th March 2022. Council acknowledges that as this situation continues to escalate, that antisemitism towards Jewish people continues to be on the increase. Council condemns antisemitism and agrees that all Jewish people deserve to live without harassment and discrimination. Council notes that the Jerusalem Declaration of Antisemitism was developed by a cross-community group of academics to sit alongside the previously-adopted International Holocaust Remembrance Association (IHRA) definition on antisemitism, to give a much clearer definition of what is and is not antisemitic when discussing Zionism and the Israel/Palestine conflict. Council agrees to engage with Jewish representative groups including Scottish Council of Jewish Communities and Na'amod to consider the adoption of the Jerusalem Declaration and other actions that can address antisemitism in this context." Help Icon

This is the list of documents available for the submission Motion by Bailie Leòdhas Massie:- "Council recalls its emergency motion of 26th October which condemned acts of terrorism in Israel and collective punishment in Gaza and called for a ceasefire in the region. Council stands in solidarity with all of the victims, their families and communities of the on-going siege of Gaza and related violence. Council renews its call for an immediate and lasting ceasefire and reiterates its condemnation of the Israeli Government and Defence Forces and Hamas. Council notes the interim verdict of the International Court for Justice in the case brought by South Africa against Israel, which places six binding actions on Israel, including to do all it can to prevent genocide, refraining from harming or killing Palestinians, urgently getting basic aid to Gaza, and to punish any incitement to genocide. Council further notes that Israel is not enacting these measures and genocide by way of the unjust killing of Palestinian civilians, particularly children, and a growing humanitarian aid crisis have continued uninterrupted, observed by NGO's such as Amnesty International and Gisha. Council continues to stand wholeheartedly against genocide. Council believes the ICJ's ruling places moral obligations on institutions in the UK, including at all levels of Government, to ensure they are not at risk of directly or indirectly supporting genocide. Council commits to widening the present human rights due diligence process when making contract awards decisions by bringing a report to the City Administration Committee detailing actions that the council can lawfully take to assure itself of supply chains that do not conflict with international humanitarian law and seek legal expertise where necessary to advise this. Council would also ask that in the procurement process, organisations seeking to contract with Glasgow City Council are required to provide an assurance of best practice in relation to their operations to satisfy the Council that they are not engaging in grave professional misconduct by operating in a manner that breaches the human rights of those directly and indirectly involved or affected by the organisations' operations. Council further requests that this report outlines an assessment of current Council procurement contracts which include goods or services which have been wholly or partly manufactured, assembled or operated by companies operating in the occupied territories, as per the updated United Nations database of business enterprises in relation to the Occupied Palestinian Territories. This initial assessment would seek to provide a base understanding of the Council supply chain, acknowledging that the aforementioned database is continuously changing. Council also agrees that similar commitments should be made by the Scottish and United Kingdom Governments. Council endorses the Scottish Government's call for an arms embargo on Israel and instructs the Leader of the Council to write to the Foreign Secretary to request that the UK Government introduces such an embargo, takes additional steps as required to ensure the UK is not at risk of directly or indirectly supporting genocide, and to encourage him to join Belgium, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Jordan, Malaysia, The Maldives, Namibia, Pakistan, Turkey as well as the memberships of The Arab League and The Organisation of Islamic Countries in supporting the South African case in the International Court of Justice. Council also supports comments made by the Foreign Secretary that he is considering recognising Palestine as a state and will ensure this view is reflected in this letter. Additionally, the Council instructs the Leader of the Council to write to the First Minister to encourage him to act in all possible capacities to prevent the production and transfer of weapons and weapon components from arms companies in Scotland to Israel or their allies. Council commends the work of numerous organisations in Glasgow campaigning for divestment from the arms trade, particularly noting the work of the Glasgow Against Arms and Fossil Fuels campaign who are calling on the University of Glasgow to divest its funds from the arms trade. Council asks elected members who sit on the boards, courts or senates of universities and other educational trusts and funds to use their position to advocate for divestment from arms. Council especially shares its solidarity with our twin city of Bethlehem in the West Bank, which while not at the core of the current violence, has been the target of raids and a very long occupation. Council requests that the Lord Provost shares a message of solidarity and condolence with the Mayor of Bethlehem. Council also requests that the Lord Provost adds to the flag policy the Palestinian flag to be flown on the 29th November each year for the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, as is observed by the United Nations. Council requests a paper be brought to CAC to explore the financial relief that Glasgow could offer Palestinians in Gaza by way of Medical Aid for Palestine, similar to the financial relief offered to Ukraine in a meeting on 10th March 2022. Council acknowledges that as this situation continues to escalate, that antisemitism towards Jewish people continues to be on the increase. Council condemns antisemitism and agrees that all Jewish people deserve to live without harassment and discrimination. Council notes that the Jerusalem Declaration of Antisemitism was developed by a cross-community group of academics to sit alongside the previously-adopted International Holocaust Remembrance Association (IHRA) definition on antisemitism, to give a much clearer definition of what is and is not antisemitic when discussing Zionism and the Israel/Palestine conflict. Council agrees to engage with Jewish representative groups including Scottish Council of Jewish Communities and Na'amod to consider the adoption of the Jerusalem Declaration and other actions that can address antisemitism in this context.".

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