Submission Documents: 126 Byres Road (Ward 11) - 24/00024/LOCAL - Use of retail unit (Class 1A) as restaurant (Class 3) with erection of flue to rear. Help Icon

This is the list of documents available for the submission 126 Byres Road (Ward 11) - 24/00024/LOCAL - Use of retail unit (Class 1A) as restaurant (Class 3) with erection of flue to rear..

Click on the links to view the individual documents in PDF format.

Name Type of Document Access View Document
List of docs 126 Byres Road.doc Report Public Open Document in PDF Format
(158 KB)
1 - NRS Officer Report.docx Appendix Public Open Document in PDF Format
(299 KB)
2 - Photographs.pdf Appendix Public Open Document in PDF Format
(2.53 MB)
3 - Report of Handling.pdf Appendix Public Open Document in PDF Format
(235 KB)
4 - Decision Notice.pdf Appendix Public Open Document in PDF Format
(223 KB)
6 - Representation.pdf Appendix Public Open Document in PDF Format
(456 KB)
7 - Notice of Review.pdf Appendix Public Open Document in PDF Format
(690 KB)
9 - Suggested Conditions.docx Appendix Public Open Document in PDF Format
(97 KB)


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