Submission Documents: Motion by Councillor Martha Wardrop:- "Council notes that our colleges are enabling people across Glasgow to develop their skills and individuals gain support for lifelong learning. The wide range of college courses improves the life chances of young people and adults, particularly those from more disadvantaged areas, and helps them to make a valuable contribution to society. Council recognises that College lecturers are vital in helping their students to realise their potential. Further education delivered by colleges is supporting our local economic development and local employers seeking a qualified workforce to fill their vacancies. The importance of college lecturers in delivering vocational or academic courses, and supported flexible learning for a fair, green and growing economy is endorsed. Council acknowledges the Audit Scotland's "Scottish Colleges 2023 Briefing Paper which stated "The Scottish Government's funding for the sector has reduced by 8.5 per cent in real terms between 2021/22 and 2023/24, while the sector's costs have increased. Effective, affordable workforce planning is now a greater than ever priority and challenge for colleges." Council notes that there are lecturers in our Colleges taking industrial action as they consider a pay offer from College Employers Scotland as being lower than the current rate of inflation and thus, a real-terms pay cut. Council understands that despite ongoing discussions, the representatives of college employers have yet to make any progress towards an improved offer on pay to college lecturers, and note with disappointment occurrences when some College management have fallen short of the spirit of the Fair Work Framework in their response to staff. Council agrees that the Leader of the Council writes to the Minister for Further and Higher Education at the Scottish Government to highlight the need to work with college leadership teams to provide a fair pay settlement for college lecturers. Whilst there are unprecedented financial pressures, Council calls for Scottish Government and the Scottish Funding Council to urgently support colleges to plan and make funding available to support staff and students in their work and education, so as not to compromise the confidence of those providing the education and ensure students receive a sustainable high quality education in the future. Council believes that good governance and scrutiny is important to ensuring colleges spend money wisely and avoid unnecessary expenditure, noting recent media coverage of college principals' salaries and expenses. Council welcomes the national change in policy, secured by Greens and delivered by the Scottish Government, which allows for the addition of trade union representatives to college boards, and believes that local councillors should also sit on college boards to provide external scrutiny. In advance of any potential national change to this effect, Council asks the relevant Convenor to write to the colleges in Glasgow to request the addition of councillors to relevant boards. Council additionally believes that college principals should be brought within the Scottish Government's Chief Executives Framework for public sector pay. Council recognises the important role that colleges play in terms of education, skills and economic development, and further believes that there is a key role for the council to play in bringing together public, private, educational and economic partners in a forum which allows for cooperation and planning. Additionally, noting financial pressures on colleges, councils and governments, Council believes that this forum should consider ways in which those who financially benefit from the skilled workforces coming out of colleges should directly financially contribute to their work." Help Icon

This is the list of documents available for the submission Motion by Councillor Martha Wardrop:- "Council notes that our colleges are enabling people across Glasgow to develop their skills and individuals gain support for lifelong learning. The wide range of college courses improves the life chances of young people and adults, particularly those from more disadvantaged areas, and helps them to make a valuable contribution to society. Council recognises that College lecturers are vital in helping their students to realise their potential. Further education delivered by colleges is supporting our local economic development and local employers seeking a qualified workforce to fill their vacancies. The importance of college lecturers in delivering vocational or academic courses, and supported flexible learning for a fair, green and growing economy is endorsed. Council acknowledges the Audit Scotland's "Scottish Colleges 2023 Briefing Paper which stated "The Scottish Government's funding for the sector has reduced by 8.5 per cent in real terms between 2021/22 and 2023/24, while the sector's costs have increased. Effective, affordable workforce planning is now a greater than ever priority and challenge for colleges." Council notes that there are lecturers in our Colleges taking industrial action as they consider a pay offer from College Employers Scotland as being lower than the current rate of inflation and thus, a real-terms pay cut. Council understands that despite ongoing discussions, the representatives of college employers have yet to make any progress towards an improved offer on pay to college lecturers, and note with disappointment occurrences when some College management have fallen short of the spirit of the Fair Work Framework in their response to staff. Council agrees that the Leader of the Council writes to the Minister for Further and Higher Education at the Scottish Government to highlight the need to work with college leadership teams to provide a fair pay settlement for college lecturers. Whilst there are unprecedented financial pressures, Council calls for Scottish Government and the Scottish Funding Council to urgently support colleges to plan and make funding available to support staff and students in their work and education, so as not to compromise the confidence of those providing the education and ensure students receive a sustainable high quality education in the future. Council believes that good governance and scrutiny is important to ensuring colleges spend money wisely and avoid unnecessary expenditure, noting recent media coverage of college principals' salaries and expenses. Council welcomes the national change in policy, secured by Greens and delivered by the Scottish Government, which allows for the addition of trade union representatives to college boards, and believes that local councillors should also sit on college boards to provide external scrutiny. In advance of any potential national change to this effect, Council asks the relevant Convenor to write to the colleges in Glasgow to request the addition of councillors to relevant boards. Council additionally believes that college principals should be brought within the Scottish Government's Chief Executives Framework for public sector pay. Council recognises the important role that colleges play in terms of education, skills and economic development, and further believes that there is a key role for the council to play in bringing together public, private, educational and economic partners in a forum which allows for cooperation and planning. Additionally, noting financial pressures on colleges, councils and governments, Council believes that this forum should consider ways in which those who financially benefit from the skilled workforces coming out of colleges should directly financially contribute to their work.".

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