Submission Documents: Pre-determination hearing:- Site at Disused Dock Land, Govan Road (Ward 5) - 23/03092/FUL - Erection of flatted residential development including Class 1A (Shops, and financial, professional and other services), Class 3 (Food & Drink), Class 4 (Business) and associated access, landscaping, drainage, engineering works, car parking and associated works (EIA). Help Icon

This is the list of documents available for the submission Pre-determination hearing:- Site at Disused Dock Land, Govan Road (Ward 5) - 23/03092/FUL - Erection of flatted residential development including Class 1A (Shops, and financial, professional and other services), Class 3 (Food & Drink), Class 4 (Business) and associated access, landscaping, drainage, engineering works, car parking and associated works (EIA)..

Click on the links to view the individual documents in PDF format.

Name Type of Document Access View Document
Govan Graving Dock report.docx Report Public Open Document in PDF Format
(520 KB)
plan.pdf Appendix Public Open Document in PDF Format
(121 KB)


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